

    Most Common Questions about Laser Hair removal Answered

    What should I expect on my first treatment? Before the treatment, you will consult with one of the technicians for around 15 minutes. In this, he will discuss the hair and skin type, so that they know you are suitable for the treatment. They will also discuss how you can prepare your skin to see […]


      Qualities of A Good Dermatologist in India

      Dermatology is the term or branch of medicine which is useful to improve your facial structure. Or a dermatologist performs many types of cosmetic procedures so that you can get rid of your problems. Firstly he examines your problem and then tries to resolve this issue. Three types of cosmetic procedures are performed by experienced […]


        Diet to Get rid of Spider Veins

        Spider veins are usually found in old age people which are large in size. This is the condition which occurs due to less blood circulation. You may experience swelling and skin darkening at the affected area or your main experience severe pain. In addition, this condition also encounters by pregnant ladies due to hormonal changes, […]

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          PRP for Anti Aging treatment

          PRP therapy is used in many ways and this is the therapy which is useful to eliminate anti-aging effects. Majority of people choose this anti-aging treatment over some other procedures such as dermal fillers and botox. In addition, this is the treatment which gives more natural results with an attractive appearance. In this procedure, your […]

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            Most Common Questions about Tattoo/Birth Mark Removal

            What is Tattoo Removal? The tattoo removal process is performed to remove an unwanted tattoo from your body parts. This is the treatment which can be performed with the help of surgical processes such as laser surgery and dermabrasion. This is a totally secure and safe procedure which is useful to remove tattoo permanently. Does […]

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              Dermafrac For Flawless skin

              Are you missing your good skin? Are missing the skin you had once? Are you tired of visiting the beauty parlors to brighten up your skin? As age advances, we face a lot of flaws in the skin. We get acne, pigmentation and various sorts of blemishes due to various factors like pollution, exposure to […]

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                You May Be Harming Your Skin If You Are Doing These

                Not consuming a healthy diet An unhealthy diet or nutrition cause many problems such as obesity, wrinkles, dryness of skin, and so on. People who are not eating a proper and healthy diet full of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and protein do not have clear and glowing skin. Some people consuming more processed foods which lead […]

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                  Botox: How It Actually Works?

                  What is Botox? Botox is usually a brand name which is basically a name of toxin developed with the help of bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This is specially designed by scientists in order to treat weakness of muscles. Your doctor directly injects this solution into your muscles, especially where you actually need. A recent study explains […]

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                    What Are Some Possible Risk Factors Of Vitiligo?

                    What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a problem in which patches start appearing on different parts of the body which include eyes, inside the mouth, and the hair. This problem happens when the cells are completely destroyed that make the color (pigment) and they are known as melanocytes. The problem is photosensitive (the affected area is […]

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