Some Facts about Pigmentation


    Some Facts about Pigmentation

    Some people are born with pigmentation but some get it later in life. Not only this, but pigmentation is not equal for every person. The sun exposure and burning can affect the skin cells DNA which leads to skin problems. In this guide, we are going to tell you some interesting facts about pigmentation.


    Pigmentation is a skin problem which occurs in people due to higher production of the pigment known as Melanin. Due to this problem, a number of issues can arise such as dark patches, dark spots, dark circles, and uneven skin tone.

    Although there are different factors which result in pigmentation, many people are not aware of how to deal with this issue in the right manner. If you are facing any of the above mentioned issues and looking to get pigmentation treatment, then read the given topic in detail. Here, we have covered the top facts about pigmentation as shared by our skin doctor to minimize the condition.

    • Melanin is responsible for skin tone


    Melanocytes produce a pigment known as Melanin which results in skin tone. If these cells get damaged or if something unhealthy occurs then the melanin production will increase. This will result in dark patches on different body parts. If the condition is left untreated for a long time then it can aggravate.

    • Excess amount of Vitamin D is not needed


    Your body needs exposure to sunlight but it should not be in excess. If the body gets Vitamin D in excess then skin problems can occur. This can increase the melanin production in the body. Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen before going out, wear a hat, cover the face, or limit the sunlight exposure.

    • Home Remedies are not helpful


    Home remedies will work on a temporary basis. You will find different blogs saying fruits and vegetables are essential. But some of them have specific enzymes which can make the problem worse.

    • Pigmentation is treatable


    No doubt, the problem is stubborn but getting the right treatment course will solve the problem. Keep in mind, treatments like laser therapy or chemical peeling are not ideal choices for this. Make sure you talk to the doctor which option is best for you to treat the problem in the right manner.

    • It does not have instant solution


    Well look for a quick-fix solution. But, you should not use the anti-pigmentation product that will claim to give instant results. You should talk to the doctor to get skin-friendly treatment no matter what the problem is.

    Bottom Line!

    Pigmentation is caused by external and internal factors which include sun exposure, hormonal changes, stress, allergies, and injury. If you are trying to get the best treatment course then book your appointment with our doctor and get the glowing and younger skin.

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