Laser Hair Removal in Ludhiana | Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost


    Laser Hair Removal in Ludhiana | Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost

    Unwanted body hair can ruin your feeling of having smooth or silky skin. If you have nicked yourself with the temporary hair removal options and seeking for the permanent solution for de-fuzzing then laser hair removal is the best solution for you.

    Body hair can be due to your genes or it can be due to some ailments that disturb the hormone level and lead to unwanted hair growth such an ailment is PCOS in which women experience the unwanted growth of hair on face, chest, abdomen and other body areas. This growth of body hair can be progressive in PCOS conditions so temporarily solution can be tiring for you.

    The body hair not only affects the beauty of our skin but even affect our wearing choices especially of women so they want to get rid of the hair. Laser hair removal can help you in few sessions only you can get clean and clear skin without bear like the hairy look.

    In laser hair removal method laser of the specific length is used to remove hair this laser deactivate the hair follicles of the targeted area and stop them to grow.

    Does Laser Hair Removal Painful?Does Laser Hair Removal Painful?

    Laser hair removal in Ludhiana has been done after applying the cold gel on the targeted area so you may feel the cool sensation for some time otherwise this procedure does not hurt you and you can get your hair removed without feeling any discomfort and pain.

    Recovery after laser hair removalRecovery after laser hair removal

    As the laser hair removal is a minimally invasive procedure so has the shorter recovery period. On the same day you can get back to your home after completion of the session and for few days you may feel sensation, redness on the treated areas but all these get vanish in 3-4 days and you can resume your routine. You must keep in mind to follow the instructions of doctor for after treatment care for faster recovery and healing.

    Some after treatment instructions are as follows

    1. You can do shaving of the treatment area in between the treatment sessions to get your hair removed without damaging the root
    2. You are asked not to apply makeup for 48 hours after the laser session’
    3. Avoid sun exposure after treatment and cover the area properly while going out.
    4. Do not wax the treated areas as it can remove the hair roots and then laser could not work.
    5. Laser hair removal can be an effective method for hair removal but patients of PCOD have to take longer sessions of laser for better results as they are having the progressive condition of body hair growth.

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