

    Vitiligo: Self-Esteem & Confidence Matters

    Vitiligo is actually more than hypopigmentation or the mere development of white spots on the skin. Any of these skin conditions can easily fade with time, but vitiligo manifests itself with a different story. Although painless, vitiligo exerts a great amount of psychological turmoil characterized by frustration, self-pity, shame, embarrassments, humiliation, anxiety, personal insecurities, and […]


      Acknowledging Gynecomastia- a male medical state and its treatment

      What you know about gynecomastia? Extended glandular tissue in males appears as gynecomastia or called man boobs (Moobs) and it is not directly related to fat but sometimes disguised under obesity. It cannot be said that it is disease but a medical condition caused by imbalances, hormones estrogen and testosterone that responsible for gynecomastia. It […]

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